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Canada’s National Bird – rare Votes for the Osprey

Widely distributed, there is still a sense of awe when an Osprey is spotted. A large, powerful bird of prey, the Osprey represents Canada’s great water landscape- spending their time along the ocean’s coast and the shores of the many lakes and rivers that cover our great nation. Ospreys faithfully return each year to their nesting area, and often bring with them tidings of a winter past and a summer to come. Easily recognized by amateur and expert birders alike, the Osprey is an attraction for all Canadians.

To us, Ospreys represent the kind of success and achievement in conservation that can only happen with collaboration and hard work. Like many raptors, the Osprey was extremely negatively affected by the spraying of DDT in the 1950s and 1960s. Their resiliency and recovery following the banning of DDT highlight one of the most important steps taken in Canadian history to protect wildlife. Further, it is the Osprey’s adaptability to use man made nesting structures that makes it one of the most, and in our opinion THE most, representative birds of Canada. It provides a true opportunity for community groups to make an impact on and engage with nature. Countless groups across the country have come together to raise Osprey nesting towers, and the abundance and status of Osprey is a representation of the hard work of all of those people. At the rare Charitable Research Reserve in southern Ontario, we have two such towers along the Grand River, and more than any other bird you can see on our property, the Osprey always brings out the biggest gasp of excitement from children at camp, casual trail users, and even our staff.

As an indicator species, the spotting of an Osprey has great depth and represents a healthy future for the Canadian environment. In a time when environmental concerns dominate the headlines, it is always important to remember that hard work in conservation can have fruitful outcomes. The Osprey is a sign of positivity and hope for our treasured environment.

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