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A Message from rare’s Garden Coordinator

I hope all of you have been staying safe at home and practicing physical distancing during these unprecedented times. The world has changed so much in the last few weeks to put public health and safety comes first amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. I am sure many of you, including me, have been anticipating with great enthusiasm and joy the annual opening of rare’s Springbank Community Gardens this spring. However, our hopes and dreams for another successful season were crushed when it was announced on March 30 that as per the provincial government’s restrictions, all outdoor recreational facilities, including community gardens are to be closed effective immediately. Therefore, following these measures, it is with a heavy heart that I have to share that the gardens at rare will not be opening on April 15 and will remained closed until further notice for the safety of fellow gardeners, volunteers and rare staff.

The rare-led food bank garden continues to be supported by a rare-owned greenhouse for seed starting that, due to the pandemic restrictions, is being operated by a single rare staff member who is determined to see the food production run at full capacity. Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and cooperation. I hope you, your loved ones and friends remain in good health and spirit. Stay safe until we can grow together again!


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