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March Species Madness – Quarterfinals – Match 2

This promises to be a legendary confrontation. The Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) has been the giant-killer of the tournament, taking out not one but two Final Four participants from last year, the Spring Peeper frog, and the Common Snapping Turtle. However, now it faces off against rare’s mascot, Tophat — or, rather, Tophat’s kin, the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta).

We work with both species a lot at rare. The spotted salamander is an excellent indicator species, showing whether a local ecosystem is healthy or not. If we encounter a lot of them during our annual salamander counts, the environment is improving. But this means that the species is particularly susceptible to disturbance and pollution, and that’s why it’s important to give these creatures their space. Protected natural spaces mean healthy natural spaces, and healthy natural spaces in our community means a healthy community (check out this page for more facts about the spotted salamander).

You are more likely to encounter a painted turtle like Tophat. Starting in May, their nests may be found in areas of loose dirt near roads, homes and construction sites. Unfortunately, increasing urbanization means more roads, which are tremendous threats to these creatures and their young. We’re very busy starting in May rescuing threatened nest sites, protecting others, incubating turtle eggs and releasing them back in the wild. We’re proud to have helped over 7,000 hatchlings along, and look forward to doing the same again this year. You can help out by calling the hotline if you see threatened turtle nests, or make a donation to support rare’s programs. The turtles deserve your respect and help.

But which species do you favour? Should the spotted salamander continue its remarkable run into the Final Four and beyond? Or is it Tophat’s time? You control the outcome, so cast your ballots below.

March Species Madness – Quarterfinals – Match 2

Which species do you favour? The Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) (left) or the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) (right)? Cast your ballots below:

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