Executive Director
519-650-9336 x113
Manager, Finance & Administration
Major Gifts Manager
519-650-9336 x118
Administrative Coordinator
519-650-9336 x118
Events & Development Coordinator
519-650-9336 x122
Gardens & Facilities Coordinator
519-650-9336 x115
Conservation Technician
519-650-9336 x114
Senior Educator
519-650-9336 x116
Administrative Assistant
519-650-9336 x125
Planning Ecologist
519-650-9336 x121
Education Specialist - Turtle Programs
5196509336 x 116
Brian McGee
Chartered Accountant; Partner, Zeifman & Company LLP
Claire Mussar
B.A. Customer Service and Hospitality Specialist, Social Media Manager, Environment Enthusiast
David Agro
Architect, Conservationist
Joy Roberts
Ph.D., Chair of the Board; Musagetes Foundation Board Chair
Karen Hacker
Keith Ainsworth
Electrical Engineer; retired CEO, COM DEV International
Madhur Anand
Professor, University of Guelph; Executive Director, Guelph Institute of Environmental Research
David R. Beatty
David Agro
Architect; conservationist
David Buckland
Founder, Cape Farewell capefarewell.com; Director of Art from a Changing Arctic
Ed Burtynsky
OC; Photographer; Subject of award-winning documentary, Manufactured Landscapes
Frances Westley
Chair of Social Innovation Generation
Geneviève Caron
Award-winning Photographer
Gerry Remers
Former President and COO, Christie Digital Canada & former co-chair Communitech
Jane Urquhart
OC; Author Frances Westley, Chair of Social Innovation Generation
Kehkashan Basu
Founder, Green Hope Foundation
Ljubodrag Andric
Louise MacCallum
Retired Software Engineer; Philanthropist; Founder, Musagetes Foundation R.
Michael Barnstijn
Retired Partner, RIM; Philanthropist; Founder, Musagetes Foundation
Ron Dembo
Founder, Zerofootprint
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Executive Director, David Suzuki Foundation
Aquatic & Terrestrial Ecologist, Grand River Conservation Authority
Terrestrial & Wetland Biologist, Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
retired Teacher; Naturalist; Bird Monitoring Coordinator, rare
retired Teacher; Naturalist; Bird Monitoring Coordinator, rare
Qalipu Mi’kmaq/Acadian French Artist
Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies, Environment & Resource Studies, University of Waterloo
Policy Advisor, Forest Management at Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Dan Schneider
Outdoor Educator & Naturalist, GRCA, retired
Lynda McCarthy
Professor, Ryerson University
Matthew Suhadolc
U-Turn Diversion Teacher, Waterloo Region District School Board
Morrigan Everatt
Graduate Student, Ryerson University
Musagetes Program Coordinator
Poet & Philosopher, University of Guelph
Executive Director, Musagetes
David Lieberman
Associate Professor, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape & Design, University of Toronto
John Straube
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo
Rick Haldenby
Professor, Architecture, University of Waterloo
Stephen Murphy
Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies, Environment & Resource Studies, University of Waterloo
Carolyn Meili
President, Stonefields Management
David Mitten
Retired; Executive Director, Siding & Window Dealers Association of Canada
Dean Peroff
LLP, Partner, Peroff Professional Group
Douglas McMullen
FCPA, FCA; retired, Sr. V.P. CIBC
Hugh Thompson
CEO, Thompson Centre for Art & Design
Irene Schmidt-Adeney
Writer, Ayr News
Jackie Hatherly-Martin
John English
CM; FRSC; Director, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, Trinity College/ Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
John K. Bell,
FCPA, FCA; Chairman, The Onbelay Group
Joy Roberts
Ph.D., Chair of the Board; Musagetes Foundation Board Chair
Keith Ainsworth
CPA CA, HM Advisors
Keith Martin
CPA CA, HM Advisors
Paul Ross
Partner, KPMG
Rob Connell
Partner, KPMG
Sheila Ainsworth
Chair, Lisaard House
Thiam Lim
Former rare Board Member
Valerie Hall
Retired President, Stonefields Management
David Beatty
John Baljkas
Graphic design consultant, MFA, RGD Affiliate Member, Professor, Conestoga College
Joy Roberts
Ph.D., Chair of the Board; Musagetes Foundation Board Chair
Ken Dance
President, Dance Environmental Inc.
Rita Ross
Development Consultant
Valerie Hall
Retired President, Stonefields Management
Bill Mungall
Chris Gosselin
Retired Manager of Environmental Planning, Region of Waterloo
Graham Buck
Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
Greg C. Michalenko
Grand River Environmental Network
Kevin Butt
Nature Guelph
Lauren Jones
Six Nations of the Grand River
Meaghan Eastwood
Manager, Planning and Sustainability Region of Waterloo
Roger Suffling
Waterloo Region Nature
Tony Zammit
Aquatic & Terrestrial Ecologist, Grand River Conservation Authority
Alan Morgan
Professor Emeritus, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo
Angela Tsementzis
Architect; B.E.S. B.Arch, OAA, LEED AP
Colleen Mercer Clarke
Coastal Ecologist, Landscape Architect, University of Waterloo
Doug Larson
Professor Emeritus, College of Biological Sciences, University of Guelph
Gerald Achtymichuk
Family Physician, retired
Larry Lamb
Vegetation Specialist, Emeritus Adjunct Lecturer, Fellow at Renison College, Manager of the Ecology Lab, Faculty of Env., University of Waterloo
Paul Koch
Marketing & Management Consultant; Civic entrepreneur, Ottawa
Peter Krause
President, Krause Corporate Solutions