Field Trips

Educational Modules at rare

At rare, we provide several opportunities for students and teachers to experience curriculum based learning outside the classroom.  It is becoming increasingly important for students of all ages to be involved in a variety of outdoor education experiences. The programs provided at rare are helping to bridge the gap between the classroom and the natural environment through experiential and investigative hands-on learning.  Home to over 24 habitat types, rare is an ideal location for curriculum based outdoor modules, providing students with the opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, values, and motivation necessary to become responsible, environmental citizens.  The “bigger picture” is a key underlying theme to rare’s programming. Students attending the programs will understand that the actions of today greatly affect the outcomes of tomorrow.

Our modules at rare are based on two models of education: Chain of Learning and Every Child Outdoors.  The Chain of Learning is a concept where knowledge, expertise, and ideas are directly transferred from researchers to high school students, elementary students, families and community members. Every Child Outdoors is a model of experiential learning, inspiring youth to adopt a sense of curiosity in the natural world through hands-on environmental learning in the out of doors.

Our school modules are designed and facilitated by our Education Team, who are experienced in developing and delivering environmental education programs. Review Modules below and Request a Field Trip Booking.

World spinning
World spinning
Impact of hybridization on native crabapple (Malus coronaria) by domestic apple (Malus domestic) in southern Ontario
Examining patterns of insect population dynamics and biocontrol in natural and agricultural systems
Predicting population level effects of microplastics ingestion on the behaviour of fishes
The Bug-Network comparative study

K - Gr. 2 Animals in Motion

Learn about the life cycles of butterflies, dragonflies, frogs, and birds. Participate in hands-on activities including catching butterflies and other insects, and bird watching using binoculars.

Curriculum Connections:

K: Science and Technology 1, 2, 31: Understanding Life Systems: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things 2, 32: Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Living Things 2, 32: Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Air and Water in the Environment 3


Module available in early Fall and Spring, dependent on seasonal weather.


ECO Centre


$10 / student

Gr 1 - 3 Pollinators in Play

Tour the meadows or gardens and learn how to observe, identify, and safely catch pollinators. Understand how humans impact pollinator habitats and what is needed for pollinator survival.

Curriculum Connections:

This module was specifically developed for the grade 2 curriculum and can meet the following specific requirements:

2: Understanding Life Systems – Growth and Changes in Animals 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 3.3

However, it also aligns with the following curriculum:
1: Understanding Life Systems – Needs & Characteristics of Living Things: 1, 2, 3
3: Understanding Life Systems – Growth and Changes in Plants: 1, 2


Module available from September to mid-November and late-April to June, dependent on seasonal weather.


ECO Centre or Springbank Gardens


$10 / student

Gr. 3 Dirt on Plants

Hike through different ecosystems to observe native and invasive plant species and investigate soil composition, development, conservation, and importance to plant growth.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Plants 1, 2
Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Soils in the Environment 1, 2, 3


Module available in early Fall and Spring, dependent on seasonal weather and plant growth.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Gr. 4 Home Sweet Habitat

Visit various habitat types including grassland, river, mature forest and wetland, and investigate the many adaptations that allow plants and animals to thrive in these spaces. Learn about positive and negative ways humans can impact their environment.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Life Systems: Habitats and Communities 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.3, 2.5, 3, 3.1 – 3.10


Module available from September to mid-November and mid-March to June.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Gr. 5 Energy Cycles

Visit Springbank Community Gardens to experience and learn about renewable energy systems, organic agriculture and sustainability. Witness the flow of energy through natural and artificial systems and the impacts of humans through different methods of agriculture and building design.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Earth and Space Systems – Conservation of Energy and Resources: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4

Understanding Matter and Energy – Properties of and Changes in Matter: 1, 1.1, 1.2


Module available from September to mid-November and late-April to June, dependent on seasonal weather.


Southside Lot


$9 / student

Gr. 6 Biodiversity Breakdown

Hike in a mature forest through disturbed and undisturbed local habitats. Examine forest composition, plants and animals, and the physical environment to investigate forest restoration, regeneration, and human impacts on our natural spaces. Choose to explore an old growth forest or a forest and river ecosystem for this program.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Life Systems – Biodiversity: 1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7


Module available year-round.


ECO Centre or Ancient Woods


$9 / student

Gr. 7 Interactions in the Environment

Investigate stages of forest succession, food webs, and different types of interactions amongst plants and animals in the natural environment. Learn about how humans impact their environment. Choose to explore an old growth forest ecosystem or a forest and river ecosystem for this program.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Earth & Space Systems: 1, 1.3, 3, 3.3


Module available year-round.


Ancient Woods or ECO Centre


$9 / student

Gr. 8 . Water, Water Everywhere

Visit the Grand River and surrounding watershed to learn about water quality and conservation. Collect water samples and conduct water quality tests to identify impacts of humans on the biotic and physical environment.

Curriculum Connections:

Understanding Earth & Space Systems: 1, 1.3, 3, 3.3Data Management and Probability: Make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables and graphs


Module available from September to mid-November and mid-March to June.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

K - Gr. 8 Snowshoe Adventure

Take a snowshoe hike through forest and meadow habitats to investigate animal migration, animal hibernation, signs of winter animal activity, and plant dormancy.

Curriculum Connections:

A number of different curriculum connections can be made depending on the grade level of your class. Please contact us for more information.


Module available from December to March, dependent on seasonal weather. In the case of minimal snow accumulation, a hike without snowshoes is possible.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

The objective of rare’s Mirrored Research Program is to engage secondary school students in research and monitoring activities that are consistent with rare’s existing research and monitoring framework.  This research follows an EMAN protocol with regard to Salamander Monitoring, Butterfly Monitoring, and Forest Health Monitoring.  Through field trips to rare, students have the opportunity to take part in hands-on experiential research and monitoring activities as they are performed by rare staff and others around the country.  The results from these programs are recorded and entered into a student database and shared with the scientific community, schools, both regionally and provincially.

Our Mirrored Research Program modules are open to all secondary school grade levels and can also be tailored to some other grade levels. Please inquire for more information.

Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring

Hike to the Grand River and/or nearby wetlands to extract samples of benthic invertebrates (small animals living at the bottom of the water column) using dip nets. In groups, sieve and sort through the sample to identify species of benthics and learn how to use this information to determine water quality.

Curriculum Connections:

Across all Secondary Science courses: A1., A1.1-A1.13, A2, A2.1
SCH3U E1, E1.1, E1.2, 2.8
SBI3U A1., A1.1-A1.13, A2, A2.1, B1, B1.2, B2, B2.3

Grade 8 Understanding Earth & Space Systems: 1, 1.3, 3, 3.3


Module offered September-October and April-June


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Forest Health Monitoring

Identify and measure trees within permanent forest plots on the rare property. Work in groups to measure tree height, tree diameter, identify structure class, assess crown health, and look for signs of stress or disease on tree bark.

Curriculum Connections:

Across all Secondary Science courses: A1., A1.1-A1.13, A2, A2.1
SBI3U F1, F1.2, F3.4, F3.5


Module available in Fall and Spring dependent on seasonal weather.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Butterfly Monitoring

Monitor butterflies in the fields, meadows, and wooded areas across the Thompson Tract. In groups, use scientific-grade butterfly nets, butterfly field guides, pencils, and clipboards to search for, catch, identify, and record butterflies along specific transects.

Curriculum Connections:

Across all Secondary Science courses: A1., A1.1-A1.13, A2, A2.1


Module available in Fall and May/June dependent on seasonal weather.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Salamander Monitoring

Monitor salamander populations with provided equipment to measure soil moisture, atmospheric parameters, and lift Artificial Cover Objects (ACO’s) to count and identify salamanders found underneath.

Curriculum Connections:

Across all Secondary Science courses: A1., A1.1-A1.13, A2, A2.1


Module available in Fall and May/June dependent on seasonal weather.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Local Ecology

Hike through undisturbed and disturbed natural landscapes, experiencing the complexity of feedbacks between the biotic and abiotic environments. Discover how plant and animal interactions create stable ecosystems.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available in Fall and Spring.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Landscapes in Transition

Investigate how local glaciation and fluvial processes of the Grand River have shaped the nature landscape over time. Evaluate how physical processes and human impacts influence the types of flora and fauna that can thrive in various habitats, and search for fossil evidence of ancient sea creatures that lived in the shallow equatorial seas that once covered southern Ontario.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available in Fall and Spring.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems

Trek through old growth and managed forests and meadows. Learn how plants change the physical environment through the process of succession, and observe the results of human impact and land use management.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available year-round.


Ancient Woods / Thompson Tract


$9 / student

Becoming a Locavore

What are the impacts of our choices on local, regional, and global resources? Engage in organic farming activities to learn first-hand about local food operations and sustainability.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available in Fall and Spring.


Springbank Gardens


$9 / student

Snow Study

Investigate the physical characteristics of snow by digging a snow profile, observing snow crystals, and measuring temperature gradients in the snow. Take a snowshoe hike through a forest and meadow ecosystem and learn how snow can affect the survival of animals in winter.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available in Winter, dependent on seasonal weather and snow accumulation.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Migration, Hibernation, and Dormancy

Visit forest and meadow habitats to investigate animal hibernation, signs of overwintering animal activity, and plant dormancy. Observe the links between physiological, behavioural, and morphological adaptations of the biota that allow for survival in harsh conditions.

Curriculum Connections:

This module connects with the curriculum of the following classes:


Module available in late Fall and Winter, dependent on seasonal weather. If there is enough snow accumulation, module can be delivered with snowshoes.


ECO Centre


$9 / student

Book a Field Trip


At rare, we strive to provide opportunities to get Every Child Outdoors. Please reach out if program or transportation fees present a barrier for your students to participate in our field trips. Program and transportation subsidies for schools in need were provided by the following organizations for this school year:

Knights of columbus logo
toyota logo