New Trail Kiosks, Bike Racks Come to rare, Thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation

New trail kiosks and bike racks have been installed across many of the properties of rare, thanks to a grant from the Ontario government through the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The bike racks support cyclists using rare's facilities, and the trail kiosks will provide information for visitors, including trail locations, safety instructions and other details.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation grant also covers the installation of a bike locker and a repair station.

"These new facilities will enhance people's experience at rare, supporting cyclists and trail-goers," says Stephanie Sobek-Swant, rare's Executive Director. "We're pleased to have them installed ahead of the first snowfall this winter so they'll all be ready to use come spring."

A newly-installed bike rack at rare's ECO Centre. Photo by James Bow
A view of one of rare's new trail kiosks, installed between the rare ECO Centre and its Slit Barn. Photo by James Bow
A side-view of one of rare's new trail kiosks, installed beside rare's ECO Centre. Photo by James Bow

With thanks for the support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation: