Seasonal Trails Close for the Winter at rare

Effective November 16, 2023, the seasonal trails of rare, located between the City of Cambridge’s Grand Trunk Trail and the Grand River, will close for the winter season. The closures affect the River, Alvar, Woodland and Osprey trails. The Butterfly Loop trail at Springbank Farm is also closed.

These trails are closed down for the safety of the public and for the protection of overwintering wildlife. These trails are rugged and can get icy. Walking these trails can also disturb local wildlife from their resting spots, adversely affecting their ability to conserve their energy during the cold winter months, putting them under stress and negatively affecting their health.

While these trails are closed, the remaining trails at rare’s Blair site – Maple Lane, Grand Allée, Deer Run, Springbank and Neuman, remain open every day from sunrise to sunset, for the health and benefit of the local community.

The seasonal trails will reopen in March, pending safety checks.