Thank You for a Successful Trail Party!

(There is still time to donate to the Trail Party and support rare's Every Child Outdoors environmental education program)

I want to begin by sharing a most heartfelt THANK YOU for celebrating with rare today at the Trail Party and showing your support of our community, environment and future generations. It fills my heart to see our community come together to support important causes like these. 

Thanks especially to the Ancient Mariners Canoe Club, who once again generously lent us use of their boathouse and facilities at the start of the event. Their Cambridge Pollinator Preserve was a great waystation to visit at the start of the walk, and we look forward to meeting everyone again at the Boathouse next year.

People walk the trails at the 2024 Trail Party.
Photo by Kim Robichaud.

With your help, together we have raised just over $45,000 which will directly support rare’s Every Child Outdoors (ECO) Program by providing children the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and values to become environmentally responsible citizens.

We want to hear about your experience and invite you to share your feedback in Trail Party survey: Trail Party Participant Feedback Survey. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and helps us continue to improve this event in the future. Please note that at the end of this survey, there are some demographic questions to help rare better understand its community of supporters and is designed to help secure appropriate sponsors for events like these that are well aligned with people like you. Please know that none of these questions are required to complete the survey and all responses will remain anonymous and confidential. 

Additionally, I would like to share a big thank you to our generous sponsors for making this event possible: 

  • Presenting sponsor: MacPherson Builders
  • BBQ Sponsor (and generous corn donor): Brian Domm Farms
  • Kid Zone sponsor: Fusion Homes
  • Busker sponsor: WCO Chartered Professional Accountants
  • Busker sponsor: Zeifmans
  • Busker sponsor: Troy Schmidt Realty
  • General sponsor: Event Depot
  • General sponsor: MacNeil & Dodd Pharmacy
Generations enjoy the Trail Party Barbeque. Photo by Rita Ross.

And a special thanks to the wonderful Trail Party entertainment: Jordan Kalist, Istafa Sufi, Phil and Colin from Silly People, Alysha from Dragon Breath Entertainment and Josh from Big Smiles!

And of course, thank you to all the staff and volunteers who made this fun event possible! We are so grateful for the kind support and dedication of each and everyone of these hard working individuals. A special shout out to the Cambridge Rotary Sunset Club for grilling up our delicious BBQ and the kind team joining from UW Advancement

If you would like to help get more children outdoors or you know someone who missed the opportunity toparticipate, there is still time to donate here.Every contribution makes a meaningful difference no matter the size! 

If you aren’t already subscribed, we hope to stay in touch, so be sure to sign up for rare’s eNews to get the latest updates on upcoming events and activities: Sign-Up for rare eNews.

We’ll look forward to seeing you out on the trails and at future events

With a heart full of gratitude,

Sara Clark
Events & Development Coordinator 
rare Charitable Research Reserve
Phone: (519)650-9336 x122

The entertainers, the Silly People, enthrall guests at the 2024 Trail Party. Photo by Rita Ross